Our Services

At Eliane Nicole | Astrology & Tarot, I specialize in helping you unveil your unique cosmic blueprint and align with your life path through insightful tarot readings and personalized astrological consultations.

Embark on a transformative journey with Eliane Nicole | Astrology & Tarot and tap into the profound wisdom of the universe that is waiting for you.

Natal Chart Reading Astrology

Uncover the blueprint of your unique soul journey. A detailed natal chart reading will reveal the potentials, challenges, and opportunities encoded in the position of the planets at the time of your birth. Gain profound insights into your purpose, relationships, and life path, and learn how to navigate them with clarity and confidence.

Tap into the symbolic language of the tarot to illuminate your current situation and future possibilities. Together, we'll explore the cards to unveil the hidden messages your soul is longing to share. Whether you're seeking guidance, clarity, or deeper self-understanding, the tarot can be a powerful tool for transformation and personal growth. Can be incorporated into any other appointment type.

This session combines a detailed comparison of two natal charts—yours and another person’s (such as a partner, child, or potential love interest)—to explore the dynamics of your relationship. Through synastry, we’ll uncover the strengths, challenges, and karmic ties between you. Additionally, a tarot reading will offer further insight into the current energy of your connection and provide guidance on how to navigate your relationship with greater understanding and harmony.

Building upon your initial birth chart reading, this session offers a profound exploration into the divine feminine energies represented by the asteroids Juno, Pallas Athene, Ceres, Vesta, and Black Moon Lilith. We will delve into how these archetypal forces shape your personal power, relationships, creativity, nurturing instincts, and spiritual path, offering deeper insights into your connection with the feminine and how it manifests in your life.

In this session, we will determine the most astrologically favorable time for an important event in your life—whether it's a wedding, business launch, travel, or any significant undertaking. Using the principles of electional astrology, we will identify a moment when the cosmic energies align to support your goals and intentions, ensuring the best possible outcome for your event.